The Dane County 4-H Small Animal Committee and youth leaders usually have organized in-person education meetings in January and March for those youth interested in Cavies (Guinea Pigs), Poultry, and Rabbits. These educational events are open to all youth and are free.
All youth who are interested in showing cavies, poultry, and/or rabbits at the Dane County Fair are required to attend an education event related to the animal species they will show and must meet these educational requirements:
- List of approved Small Animal Education Events (listed below)
- 4-H Small Animal Page - More information on the 4-H meetings being offered
- Education Requirement Card - Complete this card after attending an education event or meeting during the dates of 6/16/24-6/15/25. The completed card must be uploaded to the ONLINE PORTAL (OPENS IN APRIL). Education requirements must be met and submitted by June 15 at 11:59pm in order to show at the Dane County Fair.
- Complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) certificate between 9/1/2024-6/15/2025. YQCA is required for youth who will show poultry, rabbits, or cavies at the Dane County Fair. Youth can complete this certification online anytime. There is a $12 fee for the online training. YQCA is designed as an annual education and certification program focused on food safety, animal well-being, and character awareness for youth ages 8 to 21. The program has been designed by extension specialists and national livestock program managers to ensure it is accurate, current, and relevant to the needs of the animal industry and shows and is appropriate for youth.
- If showing in more than one species, youth must complete and submit the requirements for each species separately.
To receive credit for judging/showmanship, youth must include results.
To receive credit for an open show, youth showing poultry must include exhibitor list and highlight their name and youth showing cavy or rabbit must include a remark card stamped by the judge.
To receive credit for proficiency application, youth must include a copy of the proficiency.
- 10/17/24 - Small Animal Meet & Greet (not approved education) – 4-H Office from 6:30pm-7:30pm (click link for details). Registration - CLICK HERE. This fun, informal opportunity is designed for youth of all ages who are interested in getting started or learning more about 4-H Small Animal Project Areas – Guinea Pigs, Poultry, Rabbits, Dogs & Cats. Youth and Adult Project Leaders will be available with their animals.
2025 Approved Education Offerings
Cavy (Guinea Pig)
- 2/8/25 - 4-H Cavy and Rabbit Grooming Workshop – 9:00am-10:00am at the 4-H Office (click link for details). Registration - CLICK HERE. Bring your Cavy & Rabbit and grooming equipment for a Spa Day! We will be learning and practicing how to trim nails and to properly clean and groom your animal! Guinea pigs (cavies) may even take a bath. Useful grooming equipment to bring: nail trimmers, combs/brushes, etc. For Cavys – in addition to your grooming kit, bring two towels (one for drying and one for keeping warm). If you are not interested in transporting your animal, we will have some on hand that you can use for practice. Youth should be accompanied by an adult. All youth welcome, you do not need to be in 4-H to attend. Complete one registration form for each youth attending.
- 4/26/25 - Rabbit and Cavy Showmanship Workshop (all ages) - Time TBD - Information to come.
- 4-H Cavy Project Meeting – must send dates and information to the Fair Office ( prior to the meeting.
- 4-H Cavy Project Meeting Presenter
- Open Cavy Show – must include a remark card stamped by the Judge
- 1/12/2025 - 4-H Small Animal Market Sale Meeting - 11:00am at 4-H Office (5201 Fen Oaks Dr. Madison). The Dane County 4-H Small Animal Committee and youth leaders have organized in-person education meeting for youth interested in the Small Animal Meat Sale. These educational events are open to all youth and are free. Youth do not need to register for these classes. All classes are drop in.
- 1/12/2025 - 4-H Poultry Education - 12:00pm at 4-H Office (5201 Fen Oaks Dr. Madison). Topics
include Raising Turkeys for Show and Identifying Chicken Parts and
Poultry Terms.
The Dane County 4-H Small Animal Committee and youth leaders have organized in-person education meeting for youth interested in Poultry. These educational events are open to all youth and are free. Youth do not need to register for these classes. All classes are drop in.
- 1/21/2025 – 4-H Animal Health Education from 6:00pm-7:00pm at St. Martin School (5959 St. Martin Circle, Cross Plains). No Cost. The Ashton Go Getters 4-H Club is hosting an education opportunity focused on animal health, illnesses, symptoms of stress, and common treatments. Learn how to keep your animal healthy and happy, especially if they are going to travel to a fair this summer. Shane from Waunakee Veterinary Service will present the information. Animals covered will be beef, dairy, swine, sheep, poultry, rabbits and goats. This meeting is designed for youth in Grades 3+ and all youth should have an adult present. RSVP with Mary – 608-212-4173 or
- 2/23/2025 - 4-H Poultry Education - 12:00pm at 4-H Office (5201 Fen Oaks Dr. Madison). The topic of this meeting is types of bedding, winterizing a coop, and predator proofing chicken coops. The Dane County 4-H Small Animal Committee and youth leaders have organized in-person education meeting for youth interested in Poultry. These educational events are open to all youth and are free. Youth do not need to register for these classes. All classes are drop in.
- 3/18/2025 – Management for your Animal Project from 6:30pm-7:30pm offered by the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program. This session will identify tips and tricks related to management of your animal project. Biosecurity standards are the best practices in raising animal, this meeting will stimulate thoughts on how to minimize disease spread. Dr. Gretchen May from DATCP, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will be the speaker. Animals covered will be dairy, beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and rabbits. CLICK HERE to register.
- 3/19/2025 – Small Animal Meat Sale Info Zoom (Gr 3-13) – from 7:00-8:00pm by Zoom. This is a required education meeting for those participating in the Dane County Fair Small Animal Meat Sale (Poultry and Rabbits). This will use the same Zoom link as the How to Contact Buyers Zoom and will immediately follow the presentation. Register Here
- 3/19/2025 – How to Contact Buyers for Animal Meat Sales (Gr 3-13) – from 6:30pm-7:00pm by Zoom. Members interested in selling a small or large animal at the Dane County Fair. Youth will learn tips on how to contact buyers for their animal before the fair. CLICK HERE to Register. DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS.
- 5/19/25 – Poultry Education - 6:30pm-7:30pm - The Feed Store at Middleton Farmers Cooperative Co (1755 Pleasant View Rd, Middleton) - Topics include nutrition and showmanship. More information to come.
- 4-H Poultry Project Meeting – must send dates and information to the Fair Office ( prior to the meeting.
- 4-H Poultry Project Meeting Presenter
- Open Poultry Show – must include exhibitor list and highlight youth name
- Agricultural Sciences Courses (Poultry): High School, Technical College, or University Courses in Animal Science, Animal Production, Feeds and Feeding, Animal Housing, Veterinary Science, Livestock Evaluation or Agribusiness during the school year completed prior to the DCF
- FFA State Proficiency Application:
- Agriscience Research-Animal Systems*
- Poultry Production
- Diversified Agricultural Production*
- Diversified Livestock Production*
- Organic Agriculture*
*Ag Sciences instructor acknowledges Supervised Agricultural Experience Program include poultry as main focus
- FFA Activities:
- Regional FFA Career Development Events (UW-Platteville, Janesville, Marshfield etc.) – Poultry Evaluation or Veterinary Science (each contest counts as one activity)
- State FFA Career Development Events – Poultry Evaluation or Veterinary Science
- 1/12/2025 - 4-H Small Animal Market Sale Meeting - 11:00am at 4-H Office (5201 Fen Oaks Dr. Madison). The Dane County 4-H Small Animal Committee and youth leaders have organized in-person education meeting for youth interested in the Small Animal Meat Sale. These educational events are open to all youth and are free. Youth do not need to register for these classes. All classes are drop in.
- 1/21/2025 – 4-H Animal Health Education from 6:00pm-7:00pm at St. Martin School (5959 St. Martin Circle, Cross Plains). No Cost. The Ashton Go Getters 4-H Club is hosting an education opportunity focused on animal health, illnesses, symptoms of stress, and common treatments. Learn how to keep your animal healthy and happy, especially if they are going to travel to a fair this summer. Shane from Waunakee Veterinary Service will present the information. Animals covered will be beef, dairy, swine, sheep, poultry, rabbits and goats. This meeting is designed for youth in Grades 3+ and all youth should have an adult present. RSVP with Mary – 608-212-4173 or
- 1/27/2025 – Rabbit Education at Middleton Coop from 6:30pm-7:30pm at Middleton Farmers Cooperative Co (1755 Pleasant View Road, Middleton). No Cost. This hands-on, interactive education program will share the basics of rabbit nutrition and showmanship. This education meeting is designed for youth in grades 3-13 and is approved for Dane County Fair education credit. Youth should be accompanied by an adult. All youth welcome, you do not need to be in 4-H to attend. REGISTER HERE - Complete one form for each youth attending.
- 2/8/25 - 4-H Cavy and Rabbit Grooming Workshop – 9:00am-10:00am at the 4-H Office (click link for details). Registration - CLICK HERE. Bring your Cavy & Rabbit and grooming equipment for a Spa Day! We will be learning and practicing how to trim nails and to properly clean and groom your animal! Guinea pigs (cavies) may even take a bath. Useful grooming equipment to bring: nail trimmers, combs/brushes, etc. For Cavys – in addition to your grooming kit, bring two towels (one for drying and one for keeping warm). If you are not interested in transporting your animal, we will have some on hand that you can use for practice. Youth should be accompanied by an adult. All youth welcome, you do not need to be in 4-H to attend. Complete one registration form for each youth attending.
- 3/18/2025 – Management for your Animal Project from 6:30pm-7:30pm offered by the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program. This session will identify tips and tricks related to management of your animal project. Biosecurity standards are the best practices in raising animal, this meeting will stimulate thoughts on how to minimize disease spread. Dr. Gretchen May from DATCP, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will be the speaker. Animals covered will be dairy, beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and rabbits. CLICK HERE to register.
- 3/19/2025 – Small Animal Meat Sale Info Zoom (Gr 3-13) – from 7:00-8:00pm by Zoom. This is a required education meeting for those participating in the Dane County Fair Small Animal Meat Sale (Poultry and Rabbits). This will use the same Zoom link as the How to Contact Buyers Zoom and will immediately follow the presentation. Register Here
- 3/19/2025 – How to Contact Buyers for Animal Meat Sales (Gr 3-13) – from 6:30pm-7:00pm by Zoom. Members interested in selling a small or large animal at the Dane County Fair. Youth will learn tips on how to contact buyers for their animal before the fair. CLICK HERE to Register. DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS.
- 4/26/25 - Rabbit and Cavy Showmanship Workshop (all ages) - Time TBD - Information to come.
- 4-H Rabbit Project Meeting – must send dates and information to the Fair Office ( prior to the meeting.
- 4-H Rabbit Project Meeting Presenter
- Open Rabbit Show – must include a remark card stamped by the Judge
- Pet Care/Veterinary Science Class - Oregon High School - Jillian Beaty, Instructor
- Agricultural Sciences Courses (Rabbit): High School, Technical College, or University Courses in Animal Science, Animal Production, Feeds and Feeding, Animal Housing, Veterinary Science, Livestock Evaluation or Agribusiness during the school year completed prior to the DCF
- FFA State Proficiency Application:
- Agriscience Research-Animal Systems*
- Small Animal Production and Care
- Diversified Agricultural Production* (if meat rabbits)
- Diversified Livestock Production* (if meat rabbits)
- Organic Agriculture* (if meat rabbits)
*Ag Sciences instructor acknowledges Supervised Agricultural Experience Program include rabbits as main focus
- FFA Activities:
- Regional FFA Career Development Events (UW-Platteville, Janesville, Marshfield etc.) –Veterinary Science (each contest counts as one activity)
- State FFA Career Development Events – Veterinary Science
Complete the form below or contact the Fair Office at to receive approval for educational opportunities not listed. Forms can be submitted within 30 days of the education session and by June 15.