All youth planning to show Swine at the Dane County Fair must meet these species specific educational requirements:
- Attend at least one approved education event (listed below)
- Education Requirement Card – Complete this card after attending a species-specific education meeting/event to confirm attendance during the dates of 6/16/24-6/15/25. You should upload the completed card by June 15.
- To upload the education card, please save the document as a JPG, TIFF, or PDF. Youth can take a picture of the education card to upload.
- Complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) certificate between 9/1/2024-6/15/2025.
- Complete all training, and submit education card and YQCA certificate by June 15 via the ONLINE PORTAL. Failure to submit this card by June 15 at 11:59pm will make you ineligible to show your animal at the Dane County Fair.
- If showing in more than one species, youth must complete and submit the requirements for each species separately.
How to Contact Buyers for Animal Meat Sales Zoom (Gr 3-13)
Mar 19, 2025 | 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Members interested in selling a small or large animal at the Dane County Fair. Youth will learn tips on how to contact buyers for their animal before the fair.
2025 Approved Education Offerings - More to be added as approved
- 11/11/24 – Swine Beginner/Intermediate Clinic – 6:30pm-8:00pm at Middleton Farmers Cooperative Co (1755 Pleasant View Rd, Middleton). If you are interested in learning more about the 4-H Swine Project, like the basics of choosing a project animal, feeding throughout the life stages, and showmanship, this is for you!
This program is designed for youth in grades 3-13, and youth should be accompanied by an adult.
All youth welcome, you do not need to be in 4-H to attend. For questions, reach out to Natalie Sander, MFC Feed Store at 608-307-0270 or
CLICK HERE to Register.
- 1/11/25 – "Youth Show Pig Symposium" presented by Wisconsin Pork Association & UW - Extension - 10:00am-3:00pm at Chula Vista Resort (Wisconsin Dells). Registration required ($5 online) by January 3. Topics include: traceability, biosecurity, SPS plans, selection, nutrition, daily care, breeder highlights, and 2025 show season updates. Questions? Contact Jeff Morris at 608-346-9561 or Make sure to bring a copy of the Education Card with you to have the presenter sign on-site.
- 1/21/2025 – 4-H Animal Health Education from 6:00pm-7:00pm at St. Martin School (5959 St. Martin Circle, Cross Plains). No Cost. The Ashton Go Getters 4-H Club is hosting an education opportunity focused on animal health, illnesses, symptoms of stress, and common treatments. Learn how to keep your animal healthy and happy, especially if they are going to travel to a fair this summer. Shane from Waunakee Veterinary Service will present the information. Animals covered will be beef, dairy, swine, sheep, poultry, rabbits and goats. This meeting is designed for youth in Grades 3+ and all youth should have an adult present. RSVP with Mary – 608-212-4173 or
- 2/23/25 – 4-H Swine Project For Beginners – 1:30pm-3:00pm at Dane County 4-H Office (5201 Fen Oak Dr., Madison). Presenters: Dick Straub & Brigid Howard. This educational event will help youth new to the swine project gain a better understanding of the project area and the resources available. This meeting is best for members in their 1-2 years in the project area. Reach out to Dick Straub with any questions – Make sure to bring a copy of the Education Card with you to have the presenter sign on-site.
- 3/6/2025 – Show Feed Webinar at 6:00pm offered by Theisen's & Sunglo show Feeds. This event is open to all skill levels and each attendee will receive valuable coupons as well as a chance to win exciting prizes! During the webinar, we’ll cover topics such as animal selection, show feed tips and management, Sunglo feeds and supplements available at Theisen’s, and we’ll conclude with an open Q&A session. Animals covered will be beef, swine, sheep, and meat goats. You can register for the event via the following link: Theisen's Sunglo Webinar Registration Link
- 3/18/2025 – Management for your Animal Project from 6:30pm-7:30pm offered by the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program. This session will identify tips and tricks related to management of your animal project. Biosecurity standards are the best practices in raising animal, this meeting will stimulate thoughts on how to minimize disease spread. Dr. Gretchen May from DATCP, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will be the speaker. Animals covered will be dairy, beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and rabbits. CLICK HERE to register.
- Online Swine Education Videos - Approved options for those unable to attend an in-person session. Provider: Kansas State University Research and Extension. Each video is about 1.5-2 hours and only one video is required to meet the education requirement.
Additional Information
Squeaky Clean Biosecurity Plan Fact Sheet – pdf
Swine Health Rules
IMPORTANT 2025 Swine Info related to the Dane County Fair (DCF) and information from the Meat Animal Sale Committee (MAS) – please read all below if you plan on participating in the Dane County Fair:
- The DCF is no longer a terminal fair. This means that participants will be responsible for transporting their swine home, to a processor, or to a market. The swine committee will not facilitate transport of the hogs for processing or sale, including Meat Animal Sale hogs. If participants intend to have hogs butchered for family use or for private sales, they should contact their processing facilities now to ensure a processing slot.
- Because the Fair is not terminal, swine shown will require a negative PRRS and PEDV test for your facility/herd. This is in addition to the veterinary health check. This test will cost approximately $80 to 90. The Swine Department will try to provide test kits, but this is not guaranteed so you may need to contact your vet if we cannot supply. Wisconsin Pork Association 2025 PRRS / PEDv Swine Testing Rebate Program
- The use of the feed additive ractopamine (Paylean) is not allowed for DCF swine. This reflects the market trend where major processors will not accept swine that have been fed this feed additive. They are responding to their buyers who make this demand.
- A breeding gilt class has been added. A pig shown as a breeding gilt cannot also be shown as a market gilt and is not eligible for the MAS.
- If you have questions, please contact Dick Straub ( or Blayne Outhouse (
Dane County Fair Swine Check-in
Saturday, April 19, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM at the 4-H/UW Extension Office on Fen Oak Drive, Madison.
All paperwork will be provided. Contact Dick Straub at with questions.
This year you will need to pick up tags and put in your own animals.
The picking up of tags will occur, on Saturday, April 19, 2025 from 9:00-11:00am at the Extension/4-H Office, 5201 Fen Oak Drive, Madison. Stop in anytime.
You must know the breed, sex, and ear notches for the animal(s).
You must own the animal(s).
A parent or guardian must be present to sign.
Rope kits for PRRS testing will be provided as long as supply lasts
For gilts, you must designate either market or breeding
If pigs cannot go home Sunday evening of fair due to biosecurity concerns, this must be arranged at registration, not later.
If you cannot attend this registration, must make arrangements with Blayne Outhouse ( or Dick Straub ( before April 19 for alternative (not day of or later)
Tags then should be attached to the animals by May 1, 2025 and paperwork returned to Dick Straub by May 3, 2025.
Dane County Fair Meat Animal Sale (MAS) Information
The Dane County Meat Animal Sale is managed by the Dane County Meat Animal Sale Association. This association is an organization of interested persons whose purpose is the organization and operation of the Dane County Meat (Large) Animal Sale. This is an independent association and is not connected to the Dane County Fair Board, Dane County 4-H Leaders Association, UW-Extension Office, or any other group. For questions, contact
The Meat Animal Sale will be held at the Dane County Fair on Friday, July 18 at 6:45 PM in Pavilion 2.
2025 MAS Scholarship Application (due by June 15)