Welcome to all new and returning Dane County 4-H Horse & Pony project members and Non-4H Organization Members. Please carefully review the Horse & Pony educational requirements for the 2024-2025 project year.
- All youth planning to show at the Dane County Fair must complete and meet at least one of the education requirements listed to the right and submit their education card online by June 15.
- Contact the Fair Office at info@danecountyfair.com to receive approval for educational opportunities not listed.
- If attending a pre-approved event not sponsored by the Dane County Horse & Pony Education Committee, the participant must have the clinician sign the education card.
- Those in grade 13 are exempt from bringing their horse to a 4-H approved clinic, provided they have fulfilled this requirement for the previous three (3) Fair years. Please contact the Fair office at info@danecountyfair.com by June 15 to request the exemption in order to verify Fair involvement.
- All horses that will be exhibited at the Dane County Fair must be declared by May 1. (The same horse declared must be the same horse used in the clinics.)
- Dane County Fair entry forms have a separate process. Please refer to the Department 6 Rules & Regulations (available in February) and times below for additional information related to Fair deadlines and processes.
- 6 Horse & Pony
- Horse and Pony Guidelines (available in March)
- Horse and Pony Declaration (DUE BY MAY 1) AND Behavior Policy
- Horse and Pony Trailer-in Request Form (available in April)
- Horse & Pony Stall Mat Order Form (available in April)
Non-4-H organization members
- Those in grade 13 are exempt from bringing their horse to a 4-H approved clinic, provided they have fulfilled this requirement for the previous three (3) Fair years. Please contact the Fair office at info@danecountyfair.com by June 15 to request the exemption in order to verify Fair involvement.
- Participants must sign the roster for each Dane County Horse & Pony Education Committee event attended.
- If attending a pre-approved event not sponsored by the Dane County Horse & Pony Education Committee, the participant must have the clinician sign the education card.
Education Card Submission Information
Horse and Pony Education Requirement Card – Complete all sections of the Education Card and save as LastName.FirstName.Species (e.g.,Smith.Chris.Horse) before uploading to the online portal.
How and when to submit education requirements:
- To qualify to show at the Dane County Fair with 4-H, FFA, or other Dane County youth organization, youth exhibitors must meet species education requirements and submit proof by June 15 at 11:59 PM by using the Education Requirement Upload Portal (OPENS IN APRIL).
- If showing in more than one species, youth must complete and submit the requirements for each species.
- Access to a Google Account is required to upload documents in the portal. This helps keep documents secure. Youth can utilize their school account or utilize a family account. If the youth does not have access to a Google Account, please email info@danecountyfair.com for an alternative option.
- To upload the education card, please save the document as a JPG, TIFF, or PDF. Youth can take a picture of the education card to upload.