All youth planning to show Dairy at the Dane County Fair must meet these species specific educational requirements:
- Attend at least one approved education event (listed below)
- Education Requirement Card – Complete this card after attending a species-specific education meeting/event to confirm attendance during the dates of 6/16/24-6/15/25. You should upload the completed card by June 15.
- To upload the education card, please save the document as a JPG, TIFF, or PDF. Youth can take a picture of the education card to upload. Save as LastName.FirstName.Species (e.g.,Smith.Chris.Dairy) before uploading to the online portal.
- Complete all training, and submit education card and YQCA certificate by June 15 via the ONLINE PORTAL (OPENS IN APRIL). Failure to submit this card by June 15 at 11:59pm will make you ineligible to show your animal at the Dane County Fair.
- If showing in more than one species, youth must complete and submit the requirements for each species separately.
2025 Approved Education Offerings
- 10/27/2024 – 4-H Dairy Education Event – Fall into Dairy from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Haag Dairy Farm (6868 Buethin Rd, Dane, WI). No Cost & Registration Required - CLICK HERE. Visit a working dairy farm in Dane County! Youth and family members will learn about robotic milking, how to lead a calf, the opportunities in the 4-H Dairy Project and animal nutrition.
No cow, no problem! This event is open to everyone interested in checking out a dairy farm and learning more about dairy cows. Did you know that 4-H youth members who don’t have access to cows can participate in Dairy Quizbowl, Dairy Judging and can even work with and show a managerial animal?
Youth will rotate through four stations and will be grouped by experience:
- Opportunities in Dairy (State Fair, Judging, Quiz Bowl, County Fair)
- Calves (how to handle/lead a calf)
- Robotic Milking
- Health & Nutrition
The education stations are geared toward youth in grades 3+, but all family members are welcome to attend. Youth in grades K-5 must be accompanied by an adult. Grades 6+ can attend with or without an adult.
- 1/21/2025 – 4-H Animal Health Education from 6:00pm-7:00pm at St. Martin School (5959 St. Martin Circle, Cross Plains). No Cost. The Ashton Go Getters 4-H Club is hosting an education opportunity focused on animal health, illnesses, symptoms of stress, and common treatments. Learn how to keep your animal healthy and happy, especially if they are going to travel to a fair this summer. Shane from Waunakee Veterinary Service will present the information. Animals covered will be beef, dairy, swine, sheep, poultry, rabbits and goats. This meeting is designed for youth in Grades 3+ and all youth should have an adult present. RSVP with Mary – 608-212-4173 or
- 2/17/2025 – Dairy Education Meeting at Middleton Coop (Gr 3+) – from 6:30-7:30pm at the Middleton Coop (1755 Pleasant View Rd.). This hands-on, interactive education program will share the basics of dairy cattle nutrition and showmanship. This program is designed for youth in grades 3-13 and is approved for Dane County Fair education credit. REGISTER HERE
- 3/18/2025 – Management for your Animal Project from 6:30pm-7:30pm offered by the Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program. This session will identify tips and tricks related to management of your animal project. Biosecurity standards are the best practices in raising animal, this meeting will stimulate thoughts on how to minimize disease spread. Dr. Gretchen May from DATCP, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, will be the speaker. Animals covered will be dairy, beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and rabbits. CLICK HERE to register.
- 6/7/25 – Cows on the Concourse Education Volunteer - Cow Expert or Educational Zone ONLY
- 6/14/25 – Dane County Breakfast on the Farm Education Volunteer or Presenter
- 4-H Team Dairy Judging Practices - variety of dates
- Dairy Judging Team Member/Leadsperson
- Dane County Dairy Bowl 4-H Team Member
- Dane County Dairy Bowl – Attended Practices
- District Show Exhibitor – Holstein and Color Breed equivalent
- Mid-West National Holstein Show Exhibitor
- PDPW Leadership Program
- WI State/National Breed Show
- World Dairy Expo - Exhibitor in a Breed Show (list breed show(s) on education card)
- FFA Dairy Education Qualifying Events:
- FFA Dairy Cow Judging or Dairy Products Judging
- FFA State Dairy Judging/Showmanship
- FFA State Dairy Proficiency Application Completed
- Central National FFA Dairy Events (Dairy Evaluation or Milk Quality)
- SC WI FFA Regional CDE – Janesville (Dairy Evaluation or Milk Quality)
- SW WI FFA Regional CDE – Platteville (Dairy Evaluation or Milk Quality)
- State FFA CDE – Madison (Dairy Evaluation, Milk Quality, or Dairy Handling)
- Completion of State FFA Dairy Proficiency Award or Diversified Livestock (that includes dairy)
- Current school year completion of high school (must have dairy unit) or technical college (transcripted credit) Animal Science course
Complete the form below or contact the Fair Office at to receive approval for educational opportunities not listed. Forms can be submitted with 30 days of the education session and by June 15.